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6 Washing Machine Tips to Make Your Laundry Day Easier

By Timothy Teoh July 19, 2023

Laundry days can get tedious for most of us. After a long week, there’s a pile of dirty laundry you need to get around to, and it’s probably your least favourite chore. Bet you didn’t know there are washing machine tips to make your laundry days much easier, though.

Although the process can be rather taxing, as technology advances, our chores become much simpler and more manageable—only if we know how to work our machines and get them running efficiently.

If you want fresh laundry that smells like daises without having to break a sweat, read on to get the inside scoop on our six washing machine tips designated to make your laundry day easier!

Preparing your clothes for the wash

First up on our list of washing machine tips, you’ve got to get your clothes ready in advance. 

Checking through and preparing them makes it much easier for the clothes to wash, and a plus point is that it’ll also prevent your clothes from getting damaged.

You’ve got to unbutton shirts, remove any pins and buckles, close your zippers, and, most importantly, check through all the pockets. Who knows, if it’s your lucky day, you might just find a five-dollar bill and be able to treat yourself after you’re done.

Separate your light and heavy clothes

Next up on the washing machine tips and tricks guide, which is probably a new one for many of us, is to separate your light and heavy clothes.

All of your clothes are made of various materials, and each should be kept in a separate basket. If you’ve got tank tops and singlets, set them aside from your jeans and jackets. 

Each clothing material has different timeframes for washing and drying. Make sure to sort through your clothes by material to avoid damaging the lighter ones.

Remove the stains beforehand

Did you spill some coffee on your favourite sweater or perhaps get some mustard on your t-shirt when you were eating that hotdog? This washing machine tip is to remove your stains first before doing your laundry.

It’s a misconception that your washing machine will automatically clean out your stains. No, you should not rely wholly on putting bleach in and praying for the best.

Make sure to clean the stains on your clothing before throwing them in for a wash. While this ensures that your laundry will come out squeaky clean, it also prevents you from staining other unaffected pieces of clothing in the same cycle.

Do not overload laundry

There’s a reason why every manufactured washing machine has an indicated capacity. If you’d like your clothes to be cleaned thoroughly, this washing machine tip is never to overload your laundry.

Following your washing machine’s capacity is key in ensuring you’ll get clean and fresh laundry. Overloading or pushing past their maximum capacity will prevent your clothes from having enough space to be washed and cleaned completely. 

Pro tip: the same goes for laundry loads that are too small—avoid wasting water, electricity and detergent.

Separate your clothes according to colour

This should be a no-brainer unless you like having dyed clothes, but an essential washing machine tip is to separate your clothes according to colour, mainly your light and dark ones.

If you have a favourite white t-shirt that you’d like to keep its colour on, don’t throw it in the mix with your black or dark blue jeans. Dark-coloured clothing has dyes that can just as easily seep into your light ones, staining them or changing their colour permanently.

Keep your light and dark-coloured clothing in separate washing cycles to avoid having a monotonous one-coloured wardrobe by the end of laundry day.

Keep your washing machine clean

Above all, the most critical washing machine tip is to regularly clean and maintain it to its best state.

After all, the main purpose of your washing machine is to keep your clothes clean, and so, your washing machine itself should also stay clean. Make it a point to regularly clear out the dust and dirt and, in general, just to service and maintain it if necessary.

Bonus tip: after every cycle, keep your washing machine’s door open to air out and prevent foul odours or mould or mildew growth.

Laundry day’s a piece of cake

With all these newfound washing machine tips and tricks, your laundry days are bound to get much easier and quicker. Who knows, this might even turn laundry into your favourite chore!

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