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Ninja Van’s new hub automation now processes 650K parcels daily

February 22, 2023
Representatives of Ninja Van Malaysia at the Shah Alam Hub

Ninja Van Malaysia today marked their 8th anniversary by introducing their new hub automation technology that processes up to 650K parcels a day. This new automation technology was unveiled during their “Ninja Van Turns 8: Celebr8ing Innov8ion” campaign which took place in their 260,000 square feet hub in Shah Alam, their biggest yet.

The integration of their new automation technology aims to quicken the parcel sorting process. A hands-on demonstration showed that the automation system is able to weigh, measure, and scan up to 30,000 parcels per hour. As such, Ninja Van’s processing capabilities is expected to soar by almost 35%.

Ninja Van’s newly integrated automation and operational processes will see processing capabilities improve by almost 35%

Adzim Halim, Chief Executive Officer at Ninja Van said in a press release that “By automating the way parcels are processed, we are able to provide a faster and more secure service for the shippers and shoppers that grew with us over the last eight years.”

This proves to be a big leap forward for the tech-enabled express logistics company and is in-line with their commitment to provide the best service for customers. Testament to their growth is the 14 million parcel recipients served in the last 12 months alone.

Reinforcing Ninja Van Malaysia’s mission to deliver the best, CEO Adzim Halim added, “We are committed to nurturing an ecosystem that provides value-added services and tools to meet the needs of all our users.”

Parcels are unloaded onto a conveyer belt before it gets sorted by Ninja Van’s new parcel automation system

With an enhanced automation and operational workflow, Malaysians can expect their parcels to be delivered at a swifter rate.

Ninja Van Malaysia was launched in 2015 and has become one of the country’s fastest-growing tech logistics company. To date, Ninja Van Malaysia provides 100% nationwide coverage and have established almost 5,700 Pick Up & Drop Off (PUDO) points all across Malaysia.

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