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Malaysia COVID-19 Vaccination: Everything you need to know

By Editor February 16, 2021
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With Malaysia set to receive the first batch of Pfizer vaccines on 21st February 2021, there is much speculation on how the vaccines will be distributed amongst many other concerns surrounding the Malaysia COVID-19 Vaccination program.

As such, JAWATANKUASA KHAS JAMINAN AKSES BEKALAN VAKSIN COVID-19 (JKJAV) has released an official COVID-19 Vaccination Program Guidebook to address the many concerns expressed by fellow Malaysians.

Amongst the topics covered are:

Malaysia’s Vaccine Portfolio

VaccinePfizerAstraZenecaSinovacCanSinoBIOSputnik V
Type of VaccinemRNAViral VectorInactivated vaccinesViral VectorViral Vector
Country of OriginsUnited StatesUnited KingdomChinaChinaRussia
Number of Dosage22212
Storage Temperature-75°C2-8°C2-8°C2-8°C-20°C
Total Dosage (million)3212.8123.56.4
% Malaysian Coverage50%20%18.75%10.9%10%
Countries Using This VaccineUnited States, Singapore
United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, European Union
United Kingdom, United States, South Africa, Ukraine,
Brazil, European Union Canada,
China, Indonesia,
Turkey, Chile, Hong
Kong, Brazil,
China, Mexico,
Russia, Argentina,
Brazil, South Korea, Belarus

Types of Available Vaccines

Type of VaccinemRNAViral VectorInactivated Virus
FunctionAn mRNA sequence inserted into individual cells for production of a specific protein.
Contains viruses that have been modified (vector) to convey the antigen genetic code. It produces targeted proteins by the human cells.
Viruses that have been inactivated using high temperature, chemical or radiation.
Uses mRNA molecules to stimulate the immune system to recognize the targeted virus protein.Uses a modified virus (vector) as a carrier which are not harmful to deliver genetic material of the targeted virus which stimulates human immune system response.
Viruses that have been inactivated and used for stimulating immunity response.
• Fast and Easy to produce
• No living components, produced synthetically
• Triggers adaptive immunity response

• Proven technology
• Triggers adaptive immunity response which is even more effective
• Proven technology
• No living components
• Suitable for those with a weaker immune system
• Easy to produce
Challenges• Some mRNA vaccines are required to be stored at extremely low temperatures
• First time used as a vaccine in human medical history
• Complicated production process
• It is important to ensure viral vectors used are safe
• High production cost
ExamplesNoneEbola, Vaccines for Farm AnimalsPolio, Japanese
Encephalitis & Rabies
Vaccine Producers• Moderna
• Pfizer/BioNTech
• AstraZeneca
• CanSino Biologics
• Johnson & Johnson
• Sputnik V
• Sinovac

3 Stages of Vaccine Distribution:

11. Healthcare Front liners (private and public sector)

2. Front liners under essential services / military defence
26th February – April 2021500,000
21. Remaining health care providers, essential services and defence

2. Elderly aged 65 and above, high risk individuals with existing chronic disease like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
April – August 20219.4million
31. Malaysia residence aged 18 and above (citizen and non-citizen)

Priority will be red zone > yellow zone > green zone
August 2021 – February 202213.7million

Additional Notes:

  • Malaysia will start issuing vaccines on 26th February – February 2022.
  • Malaysia targets to issue vaccines to 80% of residence (citizens and non-citizen) aged 18 and above.
  • Malaysia has secured 66.7million vaccine dosage which is sufficient for 109.65% Malaysian residence.
  • Vaccination will be distributed for free and it is on a voluntary basis.
  • Individuals can sign up for vaccination via the MySejahtera App or JKJAV site (Registrations are currently still close).

Watch the full announcement: