Home / Lifestyle / Blenders vs Juicers: Which is Better? (2022)

Blenders vs Juicers: Which is Better? (2022)

By Evans March 18, 2022

As more people continue to get on board with the concept of healthy eating, we begin to discover more ways to incorporate it into our daily meals with ease. In today’s search for efficient and tasty ways to consume your nutrients, we compare two popular methods, blenders vs juicers.

While often regarded as the same, blenders and juicers are, in fact, very different—each with their purposes and sets of pros and cons. With that, we would love to walk you through this guide on blenders vs juicers and which would be best for you!

Blenders vs Juicers: What’s the difference?

Before we dive into the list of pros and cons, we first answer the biggest question: what is the difference between blenders vs juicers?

Blenders grind and pulverise foods, breaking them down and blending them to create a final product comprising all your mixed ingredients. While used mainly to whip up creamy and refreshing smoothies, blenders are highly versatile and can be used in your kitchen for savoury dishes as well.

On the other hand, juicers are built to extract and separate the juice from the fibres and remove pulp. As the final product is essentially a very easily digested beverage, juicing allows you to pack in more ingredients. Therefore, more nutrients and vitamins per drink.

Ingredients and wastage

When comparing blenders vs juicers, the first aspect to consider is their different usages and functions.

Blenders are typically more flexible, as you can blend just about any ingredient in the market. This means that a blender can be your best friend in the kitchen, assisting you when you’re cooking up soups, sauces, dips, and much more. Blending also means that there would be no food wastage as everything gets combined and ground together.

Juicers lean more towards the fruit and vegetable sections of the market. While juicers work best with your regulars like apples, carrots or even celery, certain starchy produce like bananas wouldn’t be recommended. As juicers only extract juice from their ingredients, this means you’ll be left with quite a bit of wastage. 

Just for the record, though, we’d like to point out that you can also turn your pulp into other products. Instead of discarding them, add them into your other recipes for more flavour, or even make a quick treat for your pup!

Absorption and digestion

Next up on our blenders vs juicers guide, we look at how the end product is digested in our body and how fast we absorb its nutrients and vitamins.

As blenders process whole ingredients, components such as fibre and pulp are included, creating a more fulfilling meal for your stomach. Fibre slows down and aids digestion, preventing sugar highs and leaving you feeling full for longer. It’s also an excellent combination for your digestive system as it removes toxins and assists with bowel movements. 

With juicers, you whip up a powerful and easy drink that packs the same, if not more, amount of nutrients. Minus its fibrous pulp, juices are much easier for your body to absorb and will go easy on your digestive system.

Blenders vs juicers: who’s the champion?

While we have laid out the differences and respective advantages and disadvantages, the answer to the question is entirely up to you. Depending on your preference and needs, a blender or juicer could be great for you and your health journey. 

If you’ve got your answer and you’re searching for great deals and offers, check out PriceShop to find your next blender or juicer.

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