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Maximize Comfort: 4 Benefits of Using Fans for Cooling

July 17, 2024

Expert Guidance on the Best Cooling Option for Your Home

We spoke to the experts to find out whether fans or air conditioners are better for your home, your climate, and your cooling needs. While air cons may seem like the obvious choice, the humble fan actually emerges as the smarter, savvier cooling solution. 

As the relentless Malaysian sun beats down, homeowners are faced with a tough decision – splash out on an energy-guzzling air conditioner or opt for the more affordable, eco-friendly standing fan?

Assoc Prof Dr Shanti Faridah Salleh, a lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak for more than 16 years, has extensive experience researching under The Institute of Sustainable and Renewable Energy (ISuRE) and testing cooling solutions in the Malaysian market. With her expertise, she can say with authority that the humble standing fan often emerges as the superior cooling choice, especially in the country’s tropical climate. 

Here are 4 undeniable reasons why fans outperform ACs in the relentless Malaysian heat:

1. Unbeatable Energy Efficiency

One of the biggest drawbacks of air cons is their massive energy consumption. Running a standard AC unit in Malaysia can cost a staggering RM1.50 to RM5.00 per hour – ouch! In contrast, a quality standing fan will only set you back a mere RM0.05 to RM0.40 per hour. That’s a night and day difference in operating costs that can quickly add up, especially during the sweltering summer months.

“As an energy efficiency expert, I can confidently say that opting for an energy-efficient fan is an easy way for Malaysian households to save hundreds on their electricity bills,” says Assoc Prof Dr Shanti.

2. Lower Upfront Costs

In addition to the ongoing energy savings, standing fan also have a dramatically lower initial purchase price compared to air cons. Quality standing fan models can often be found in Malaysia for RM150 to RM600, while a new window or split-type AC unit can cost several thousand ringgit.

“This makes fans a much more budget-friendly cooling solution, especially for Malaysian homeowners on a tight budget,” explains Assoc Prof Dr Shanti, who has extensively researched the cost differences between fans and ACs.

3. Unmatched Portability

Unlike bulky, stationary air cons, standing fan can be easily moved from room to room as needed. This gives you the flexibility to direct the airflow exactly where it’s needed, rather than having to cool an entire space. Fans are perfect for spot cooling workspaces, bedrooms, or other smaller areas of your Malaysian home.

“As someone with hands-on experience using both cooling solutions, I can attest to the superior portability of standing fans,” says Assoc Prof Dr Shanti.

4. Hassle-Free Installation

Setting up a standing fan in Malaysia is about as easy as it gets – simply unbox it, plug it in, and you’re ready to start feeling the breeze. No complex professional installation is required, unlike the more involved process for installing a window or split-type air conditioning unit.

“This DIY-friendly setup is a major plus for Malaysian homeowners who want to avoid the headache of AC installation,” notes Assoc Prof Dr Shanti, who is an authority on home improvement projects.

Of course, air cons do offer some unique benefits like improved dehumidification and better cooling power for larger spaces. But for many Malaysian homeowners, the energy savings, portability, and affordability of a standing fan make it the far superior cooling solution, especially in the country’s tropical climate. Before investing in an AC unit, be sure to carefully weigh the pros and cons to determine if a quality standing fan might be the way to go.

If you have inquiries concerning the indoor room climate, feel free to contact us. Alternatively, you can subscribe to our newsletter for updates on current indoor climate topics, user experiences, or for the price comparison.


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