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Whatsapp Desktop Not Working – ffmpeg.dll not found

By Editor October 5, 2021

If you are encountering issues with your Window’s WhatsApp Desktop, you are not alone. This issue is also not the fault of your device but instead, it is due to a recent buggy update from WhatsApp.

The code execution cannot proceed because ffmpeg.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

Whatsapp.exe – System error

If you are receiving the above error, don’t panic. Simply follow the following steps to temporarily resolve this issue until Whatsapp releases a patch to address this matter.

Reinstalling the application does not resolve the missing ffmpeg.dll file issue.

The Solution

The temporary solution to the problem is to boot up the previous Whatsapp version instead of the latest updated version. Here’s how:

  1. Go to My Computer / This PC
  2. Go to your (C:) drive
  3. Select the Users folder
  4. Select your primary user folder
  5. Select the AppData folder
    (This folder is hidden by default. Go to view and check the hidden items box to reveal the hidden folder)

  1. Click on the Local folder
  2. Navigate to the WhatsApp folder
  3. Choose the app-2.2134.10 folder
    (app-2.2134.10 is the older version while app-2.2138.13 is the latest version that is causing the system error.)
  4. Lastly, boot and pin the WhatsApp.exe file found in the folder.

Hopefully this helps!

[Source: Bojan Sekulovski]