Home / Lifestyle / Free Fun Virtual Backgrounds for Google Meet and Zoom meetings

Free Fun Virtual Backgrounds for Google Meet and Zoom meetings

By Editor June 21, 2021

Whether we like it or not, the work from home (WFH) and e-learning culture in Malaysia became a new norm for most of us in recent days due to the ongoing pandemic. 

Video conferencing services have become hugely popular, allowing you to virtually meet with friends and family, conduct business meetings and online classes. 

With that being said, incorporating a fun and vibrant virtual background can definitely spice up a boring meeting! Here are some of our favourites from various sources.

Image Backgrounds

1. Simpsons Couch

Source: https://contentlab.com/#

2. Doraemon World

3. Shin Chan World

4. Harry Potter (Platform Nine-and-Three Quarters)

Source: https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/try-out-our-new-harry-potter-video-call-backgrounds

5. IKEA Spaces

Source: https://backgroundsbyikea.com/

6. Coraline and Wybie

Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327597/mediaviewer/rm1728219648/

7. Valak the Nun

Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5814060/mediaviewer/rm802519040/

8. The Shining Twins

Source: https://theshining.fandom.com/wiki/Alexie_%26_Alexa_Grady

9. Squid Game

Hopefully, this article inspires you to have fun while tuning in for virtual meetups. With these resources, you are all set to surprise your colleagues and friends with a stylish background on your next virtual call!

Video Background

1. Chased by a Dinosaur

2. Cruising with Chewbacca

3. Brady Bunch Co-Star

4. Chillin at a Cafe

5. Look Ma! I’m on TV

6. Seriously at Work

7. Out of this World

8. Ghost in the Window

9. Scary Shower