Home / Lifestyle / Drone permits now mandatory for all flights, even for weddings and recreational use

Drone permits now mandatory for all flights, even for weddings and recreational use

By Timothy Teoh February 17, 2025

In a recent directive by the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM), all drone pilots must now obtain a permit to fly their drones or other unmanned aircraft equipped with cameras flown below 400 feet. This includes activities such as wedding filming, corporate videos, and recreational flying.

The safety directive, issued by CAAM CEO Norazman Mahmud, states that drone operations conducted without the required permits will result in penalties under the Malaysian civil aviation regulations. According to a spokesperson for CAAM, the permits for drones weighing less than 20kg will cost RM250.

Additionally, CAAM clarifies that applications must be submitted at least 14 days in advance to drone.atf@caam.gov.my.

It’s worth noting that the requirement for drone permits has been in place for some time. In a report by the New Straits Times in June 2024, CAAM warned that drones used for both commercial and recreational purposes would soon need to be registered with CAAM.

CAAM further warned that failure to comply could result in fines of up to RM50,000, jail time of up to three years, or both. Corporate bodies, on the other hand, could face harsher penalties of up to RM100,000.

However, in the same 2024 report, CEO Norazman Mahmud admitted that while drone permits were necessary, compliance remained low due to the high number of drones.

In response, CAAM is currently developing an Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UAS TM), which will require drone operators to register their drones before flying. The system is targeted for launch in the third quarter of this year.

Source: [1] Free Malaysia Today, [2] New Straits Times

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    Did you know Tune Talk offers Personal Accident (PA) Insurance worth RM50,000…for free?

    By Timothy Teoh February 14, 2025

    Did you know that aside from offering prepaid data packages to Malaysians, telco company Tune Talk also provides Personal Accident (PA) Insurance coverage? This isn’t a standalone insurance plan that anyone can apply for, of course, and you must be a Tune Talk subscriber to be eligible.

    However, since the PA Insurance is included for free (yes, FREE) in selected prepaid packages, it’s certainly worth exploring how this coverage can benefit existing and potential Tune Talk subscribers.

    What is Tune Talk Personal Accident (PA) Insurance?

    To put it simply, Tune Talk’s PA Insurance is the telco’s exclusive coverage scheme for Tune Talk users. The PA Insurance covers death, total and permanent loss or disablement (total paralysis) for up to RM50,000.

    At the moment, Tune Talk is offering the PA Insurance for free to subscribers of the Epik35+ and Epik50+ prepaid plans. This means that for just RM35/month or RM50/month – which is the monthly bill for the respective plans – subscribers are automatically eligible for RM50,000 in PA Insurance coverage.

    Image Source: Tune Talk

    However, do note that if you are a new subscriber to the Epik35+ and Epik50+ plans, a 60-day cooling-off period will take effect before you become eligible for coverage.

    Eligibility for Epik35+ and Epik50+ prepaid plan
    Image Source: Tune Talk

    For other plans, such as the Epik25+ prepaid plan, subscribers will need to top up an additional RM50/month for PA Insurance. Similarly, you must be a Tune Talk subscriber for at least 60 days before you can apply. After that, you can maintain eligibility by continuing to top up RM50/month.

    Eligibility for other plans
    Image Source: Tune Talk

    Who is eligible for Tune Talk Personal Accident (PA) Insurance?

    The Tune Talk Personal Accident (PA) Insurance is available to individuals aged 12 to 65 years.

    Those in high-risk occupations are not eligible for coverage, including those involved in Military and Law Enforcement, Pilot and Aircrew, Professional Sports, and Workers utilizing wood-working machinery.

    Additionally, the coverage does not include accidents involving high-risk activities such as scuba diving, martial arts, racing (other than on foot), ice hockey, and hunting.

    The PA Insurance also does not cover subscribers engaged in motorcycle riding or pillion riding for any purpose.

    For a more comprehensive look at the policy exclusions, visit Tune Talk’s PA Insurance page, where you’ll find the official policy details.

    Affordable Protection with Tune Talk’s PA Insurance

    In this economy, finding an affordable insurance policy can be quite the feat. Tune Talk’s PA Insurance offers the opportunity for those without personal coverage to at least secure themselves and their family in the event of unforeseen circumstances, all while providing prepaid telco packages that are equally as well-rounded.

    If you would like to know more, visit Tune Talk’s official website where you’ll find a comprehensive FAQ section that answers all your questions.

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