Diablo 4: Vessel Of Hatred – 10 Ways To Maximize Your Demon-Slaying Fun In Sanctuary

Diablo 4’s major expansion is now out, and after weeks of playing through it, it’s safe to say that you should get into it.
Provided you have the base game, you can jump into Vessel of Hatred and play through the new content like the new class, new continent, and new modes of play. Even if you only have the base game, you can still reap the benefits of the current Season (Season 6 as of right now in October until 3 months or so have passed) which lets you kill unique enemies and partake in new types of quests exclusive to the Season.
Each new Season lasts 3 to 4 months, so it’s best to play these as much as possible while the rewards are red-hot and limited. Here is a top 10 guide on maximizing your Diablo 4 enjoyment in 2024 and beyond!
#1. Before Buying The Expansion, Try Out The Current Season
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred costs RM190 which is arguably steep for an expansion. We can assure you that you will be getting a lot out of it for this month and the next few for the game’s subsequent Seasons.
Having said that, if you are still hesitant about spending that much money on an expansion, we suggest you try out the game’s current Season 6 via the base game. The game’s current Realmwalker events and base game buffs/nerfs are accessible right now for you to play through if you own the original. If you feel that you want more out of it and really want that next Class, the Spiritborn, pony up the cash and dive right in. If you would rather wait a bit until there is a discount or an Xbox Game Pass/PC Game Pass deal, go ahead.
Long story short: try before you buy. Once you like what you’ve played and decided to jump in, go through the following steps below.
#2. Play The Spiritborn In The New Story Campaign

The Spiritborn is an awesome new class in Diablo 4. It’s a hybrid between a melee, a tank, and a ranged attacker, featuring four Spirit Animals they can channel to power their abilities up. Imagine the best bits of Diablo 3’s Monk class, but amplified further with parts of Diablo 2’s Crusader and Diablo 3’s Demon Hunter, and you have a clear reason to play the heck out of the class in the new expansion’s story.
Once you start the new Season with a new Spiritborn, just pick Skip Story and you’ll pick up from the expansion’s storyline and plot, similar to past Seasons. Only in this case will the expansion’s new story reward you with tons of experience points and skill points when you cash out the quest objectives, boosting your Spiritborn close to the level cap of 60. As for the story itself? It’s a good follow-up to the original and focuses on the new continent of Nahantu, your Horadrim colleague Neyrel, and the Lord of Hatred Mephisto.
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