Home / Gaming / The Best Elden Ring Mods to Enhance Your Gameplay

The Best Elden Ring Mods to Enhance Your Gameplay

By Timothy Teoh October 5, 2024

With Elden Ring’s big expansion DLC around the corner, Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, some of you are hyping it up by replaying Elden Ring. If you’ve been a vanilla gamer, and want to spice things up with your next playthroughs, I’ve got a couple of mods that you may like to try out. From quality of life, to huge overhauls, take your pick and get in on the fun!


elden ring co-op mods

If you are someone who prefers playing games with friends, and was disappointed that Elden Ring is singleplayer, this mod allows you to bypass that and invite your friends! Best part? You can invite up to 5 other friends to now join you on your journey. This however does not scale the difficulty which means the game will be so much easier. To work around that, the creator made a few balance changes to make sure that it does not ruin your gameplay’s experience. Check out the mod’s page for more information!

QUEST LOG by The Elden Ring Quest Giver

elden ring quest giver mods

With Elden Ring being an open-world game, it can be hard to keep track of all its various elements and quests. It doesn’t help that the game isn’t very generous with giving you information, which of course is a deliberate design to make the game harder. Thanks to the Quest Log mod, it opens up an an in-game menu that will help you keep track of those pesky quests. Not just that, it also keeps track of the next few steps you need to do to complete it. Honestly, the best quality of life mod you could ever ask for, especially for the completionists!

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    Selamat Hari Raya! The Best Party Games To Play When Your Cousins Are Around [2024 Edition]

    By Timothy Teoh October 03, 2024

    Originally published in 4th June, 2019. Updated for 2024.

    Selamat Hari Raya!

    As the period of Ramadan and fasting is ending soon, many of us are happy to celebrate the upcoming festivities that is Hari Raya. And with that comes the part where your relatives come to visit and make merriment. We’re very sure that a number of you want to huddle up and play games together offline.

    Here’s the full list of games (and new additions) with offline co-op/versus options you should prep if you want a gaming old time during the holidays!

    Tekken 8

    Tekken 8 gameplay

    Available On: PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series

    If your nephews and relatives are more on the competitive side of things, fighting games are the go-to games of choice. Matches go by super fast and everyone can pass the controller around after each bout.

    But which fighting game is the best for a party setting? Apart from Super Smash Bros Ultimate, we suggest Tekken 8. It has simple controls, dynamic Heat system mechanics that encourages offensive play (read: button mashing for casual crowd), a colourful cast of characters, and even a “simple input” mode that anyone can switch to on the fly during a match. Plus, Tekken 8 comes with Tekken Ball which is basically volleyball but you use your fists and feet to kick the ball to your opponent’s court for points. With two distinct game modes that’s perfect for a casual crowd, Tekken 8 is worth the current investment for offline Raya fighting fun!

    Read more at Kakuchopurei

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